• 1st Floor, 'Samrat-Madhu Sadan', Bajaj Road,
    Opp. Kandivali station bus depot
    Kandivali (W), Mumbai - 400 067

  • 7400080080 / 02228067305


7400080080 / 02228067305

Working Hours - 8 Am to 7 Pm (Sunday Closed)

Kandivali West Home Visit

9819168677 - Mr. Pralhad Patil

Book home visits preferably one day in advance

Kandivali East Home Visit

9819134344 - Mr. Gajanan Kasar

Book home visits preferably one day in advance

FAQs/Instructions to Patients before Laboratory tests

One of the most important factors in determining the accuracy and reliability of any lab test is quality and adequacy of your sample. After all, it is a sample from your body (blood, urine, etc.) on which the test will be performed. Therefore, it is essential that you do the following to ensure that the results will be useful and interpreted correctly by your doctor.

• Follow instructions, if there are any, to prepare for the specific test you are having performed. Contact laboratory for guidlines.
• Alert receptionist and the person collecting your sample if you have deviated from the instructions
• Inform laboratory and your doctor about any medications (including hypertension, diabetes, anticoagulants, contraceptives, hormones, vitamins, supplements etc.) you might be taking.

Fasting is preferred, but not essential for most blood test, except mainly diabetes(min 8 hours fasting), Lipid profile (min 12 hours fasting), Triglycerides (min 12 hours fasting). Tea, coffee, alcohol intake and smoking are not permitted during this period. Reasonable amount of water intake is permitted.
For fasting Blood Glucose ‐ Overnight (about 8 hours) Fasting is essential After collection of this fasting sample, a known diabetic patient should have his usual medication and breakfast. For post‐prandial Blood Glucose‐ Blood is collected exactly 2hrs after completing your lunch.
This is one of the simplest laboratory tests to be made and yet one of the most important tests for diabetes, jaundice, UTI, haematuria, kidney diseases, etc. It may also be collected for pregnancy test, drug abuse, etc.

Patient Preparation:

Ideally private parts should be cleaned with soap and plenty of clean water and dried. Contamination with local discharges is to be avoided.

Types of specimens and collection:

  • For routine and microscopy:

The first specimen in the morning is usually the best for most of the tests including pregnancy test. One may give fresh sample in the laboratory. Discard some amount of initial and last portion of urine and collect the middle portion (mid‐stream sample) in a container.

Round, wide mouth bottle of 25‐50 ml capacity with screw caps are suitable. These bottles are to be cleaned properly, rinsed with tap water, drained and dried. If microbiological examination and culture is to be done, the container must be sterilized; these are available from the laboratory.

  • 24-hour urine collection:

This sample is usually required for protein quantification or for testing other excretory functions of the kidney. Collect urine in 2‐4 L container. When patient gets up in the morning, ask him/her to empty the bladder and discard this urine. Collect all urine passed thereafter in the container. Continue to collect urine till the patient gets up next morning and passes urine. Include this next day’s sample to the total volume of urine. Place this sample in refrigerator until it’s delivered to the laboratory for further analysis. Do not add any preservative of your own. This may interfere with certain test results.

In various respiratory infections like tuberculosis and pneumonia or even certain cancers, sputum examination is very important. Sputum is different from saliva. It is the material coughed up from lower respiratory tract.

Sample collected in early morning is preferable as it is obtained from respiratory passage. Rinse mouth and teeth with sterile water. Specimens should be collected preferably after deep intense cough. This test may have to be repeated for few consecutive days or as per the physician’s advice. 60‐100 ml, wide mouthed, straight sided bottle with screw caps or plastic covers are the best.

It is needed for diagnosis of infection, worms or parasites infestation or for the presence of blood.

Patient ideally must not take iron or meat for 5 days before collection of stool sample. Antihelminthic drugs or barium studies should also be avoided for 2 weeks before the test.

The semen should be collected after 3 days and no longer than 5 days of abstinence. The person should pass urine and empty bladder before ejaculation. Semen should be collected by masturbation in screw capped plastic container and delivered to the laboratory within one hour of collection while being kept close to the body to maintain temperature during transit interval. Please also note the time of collection of the sample


Reports between 5 pm- 7 pm

Intimation is sent through SMS to given mobile no. for report collection once it is ready. Reports are also emailed to the given email address.

Urgent, critical value reports are immediately informed to the patient/physicians on phone and reports are emailed or hard copy given urgently for patient’s convenience.

Our unique features

Our unique features (first laboratory to start reporting at no extra cost)

Advanced CBC with:

  • Immature platelet fraction (IPF): Aids in differential diagnosis and management of thrombocytopenia and early predictor of platelet recovery.
  • Reticulocyte count with IRF, Ret-He and RBC-He: Aids in monitoring RBC production and management of anemias.
  • Nucleated RBC (NRBC): Aids in monitoring transfusion needs in ICU patients, mortality indicator, prognostic marker for disease severity or prognosis and ineffective erythropoiesis.

    • ℮GFR (Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate) with creatinine to assess excretory function of kidney.
    • Ionized calcium by ISE with Total calcium: Ionized calcium is physiologically active form of calcium, so it is preferred over measurement of total calcium.
    • Ionized calcium and bicarbonate measurements with electrolytes: Internationally recommended as bicarbonate level helps judging body’s acid and base balance