• 1st Floor, 'Samrat-Madhu Sadan', Bajaj Road,
    Opp. Kandivali station bus depot
    Kandivali (W), Mumbai - 400 067

  • 7400080080 / 02228067305



(Fully automated 6-part differential hematology analyzer, sysmex, Japan)

XN-550 features an automated sampler with its Rerun & Reflex functionality and continuous loading feature. The proven Sysmex technologies of fluorescence flow cytometry, hydrodynamic focussing and cyanide-free SLS method, using original Sysmex - Japan reagents.

  • High end hematology analyzer with proven and reliable laser flow cytometry.
  • Three signals: forward scattered light (FSC), side scattered light (SCL) and side fluorescent light (SFL) are used to differentiate and count cells with unique digital technology and algorithms.
  • Advance CBC with : 1. IG (Immature granulocytes)
    2. Retic count, IRF (Immature reticulocyte fraction)
    3. IPF (Immature platelet fraction)
    4. NRBC (Nucleated RBC)
    5. Ret-He, RBC-He
    6. Body fluid analysis.
  • It has a fully integrated IPU (information-processing unit) including an LCD colour touchscreen that makes it easy to operate.

AU480 Fully Automated Chemistry Analyzer

(Olympus, Japan: Beckman coulter, USA)

Compact, reliable, cost-effective, smart and efficient clinical chemistry analyzer with throughput of up to 400 photometric tests per hour, increased onboard testing, reduced sample volume and easy operation, the AU480 delivers efficiency for laboratories around the world.

  • More than 120 different Beckman Coulter system reagent applications, using original Beckman coulter-USA reagents.
  • On board laundry, on board incubation and on board cooling of reagents.
  • Quick priority testing using the AU 480 clinical chemistry analyzers STAT wheel.
  • Turn around critical samples fast with sample pre-dilution and auto-repeat of over-range results.
  • Minimize hands-on time and reduce daily reagent inventory tasks with ready-to-use liquid concentrated reagents.

Automated Clinical Chemistry analyzer

(Fuji Dri-chem NX-500i, Japan)

DRI-CHEM from FUJIFILM is a new generation dry chemistry analyzer with built-in auto-pipetting system and automatic dilution.

  • Accurate and reliable test results with high reliability, precision and stability, using original Fuji Dri-chem - Japan reagents.
  • Safety and Simplicity in Operation, Compactness, Diversity in Tests…. ALL in ONE.


(Fully automated chemiluminescent immunoassay analyzer, Beckman Coulter, USA)

State of the art Access-2 system delivers new levels of laboratory efficiency and standardization. With intuitive operator interface, enhanced sample handling with obstruction detection and broad innovative menu of high-quality assays (Hormones,vitamins, tumor markers, anaemia, infertility, pregnancy, cardiovascular markers, autoimmunity, infectious disease, etc.), using original Beckman Coulter -USA reagents.


(Biomerieux, France)

MINI VIDAS is a compact multiparametric automated immunoassay system based on the Enzyme Linked Fluorescent Assay (ELFA) principles. Robust convenient and user-friendly, it provides accurate on-demand test results. Mini vidas is greatly appreciated worldwide for its simplicity, flexibility and reliability.

  • Adapted to STAT testing.
  • Simultaneous processing of different parameters.
  • No inter-reagent or inter-sample contamination.
  • Over 100 parameters in ready to use reagents in single-test format for the diagnosis of cardiovascular and infectious diseases, cancers, tumour markers, allergy, infertility, pregnancy, vitamins and hormones using original Biomerieux-France reagents.

HLC 723 Gx

(Tosoh Bioscience, Japan)

Tosoh Bioscience’s HLC-723GX, automated glycohemoglobin analyzer for diabetes diagnosis and monitoring. The HLC-723GX produces stable HbA1c results with variant detection (HPFH, HbD, HbS, HbE, Methemoglobin) and offers exceptional operational simplicity with supreme quality and precision, using original Tosoh-Japan reagents.

  • Gold standard HPLC technology, based on reference method in the DDCT (Diabetes Control and Complication Trial); NGSP and IFCC certified.
  • Fully automated analyzer minimizes operator intervention.
  • Fast, Reliable and precise results with Inter-assay and intra-assay CV< 2% for HbA1c, allowing excellent patient management.
  • Primary tube sampling with cap piercing.
  • Barcode reader for sample identification.
  • Bi-directional communication.


(Nihon Kohden, Japan)

Fully automated compact, reliable with precision and high-speed processing hematology cell counter.

  • Uses only cyanide-free hemolysing reagent for safety and environment. Original Nihon Kohden -Japan reagents.
  • Automatic electric clog removal.
  • High reproducibility and accuracy by unique mechanism such as twin dilution nozzle and double bath mixing.


(Diesse Diagnostica, Italy)

  • Automatic random access instrument for determination of ESR equivalent to Westergren reference method with temperature correction. Complete with printer, USB connector and external barcode reader.
  • Excellent system for ESR in lipemic and bilirubinemic samples.
  • NO BIOLOGICAL RISK as ESR is determined in original Diesse – Italy closed tube: No contact with blood.


(DIRUI Industrial co. Ltd.)

H-500 Urine Analyzer is semi-automatic photoelectric colorimeter for semi-quantitative estimation of Urobilinogen, Bilirubin, Ketone, Blood, Protein, Nitrite, Leucocytes, Glucose, Specific gravity, PH and Vitamin C in urine sample according to the color change caused by the interaction between the reagent areas and the biochemical components in urine.

  • Adopting the advanced high luminosity cold light source with 4 -wavelength, which improves the sensitivity, accuracy, specificity, and reduces the interference from ambient light.
  • Automatic waste handling equipment, which avoids cross-contamination between samples.
  • Automatically rectify the test results influenced by non-specificity urine color, pH and specific gravity.

ST 200 aQua

(Sensa core Medical Instruments)

Sensa Core’s ST-200 aQua Electrolyte Analyzer is an automated, microprocessor-controlled electrolyte system that uses latest ISE technology to measure Sodium, Potassium, Ionized Calcium, pH, Chloride and Bicarbonate in whole blood, serum, plasma, CSF, body fluids and urine. It has maintenance free electrodes and inbuilt wash for maintenance-free operation.


(Agappe Diagnostics)

Mispa i3 is an automated cartridge based specific protein analyzer designed to deliver consistent and reproducible result with ease, adopts dual measuring channels - Rate based Nephelometry & Immuno-turbidimetry for best sensitivity and linearity using prefilled sealed ready to use cartridges.

  • Inject Aspiration system (IAS) ensures precise and accurate result.
  • Fully closed system with barcode identification, auto mixing, auto dilution, auto washing, incubation and measurement, No user interface.
  • Fast and accurate results with minimum TAT and less interference.
  • Easy reproducibility of results.
  • No false reporting due to prozone detection feature.

ECL 105

(Erba Mannheim, CZ, European union)

A single channel semi-automated coagulation analyzer. It’s a modern and advanced analyzer in Hemostasis can perform PT, APTT, Fibrinogen, Thrombin Time, All Factors, Lupus and D-dimer, using original Siemens - Germany reagents.

  • Using Light scatter principle.
  • Clotting Graph provide details of the clotting test.


(True Lab, Molbio Diagnostics)

Simple, rapid and reliable, molecular Diagnostic tool for early and accurate disease diagnosis, particularly infectious disease. Cartridge based automated quantitative real time PCR (Nucleic Acid Amplification Technique, NAAT), with built in control. Contamination free design. Wide test menu: MTB screening, MTB-RIF, Dengue, Chikungunya, Malaria, H1N1, influenza A/B, Covid -19, HIV, HPV, HLA B27, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis E, HBV, HCV etc.


(Neo Eldex ELISA Analyzer)

The NeoEldex ELISA Analyzer is astand alone ELISA reader with integrated computer and printer, easy and intuitive touch -screen operation stylus. Ability to program and read different analytes (Hormones, Cancer & Cardiac Markers, Steroids, Drugs, Infectious Diseases, other Biochemical Markers).


(Olympus, Japan)

With Fluorescent microscopy attachment for highly sensitive malaria diagnosis.